Population Habitats/Pressure Domes
Transportation Systems (Systems set up to transport people around the surface of a world)
Atmosphere Processor
Orbital Elevator (Lower Section)
Resource Mines (For mining resources from a planet or other stellar body)
Resource Refineries (For refining extracted resources into a usable form)
Storage Facilities (For storage of resources and other equipment)
Shipyards (For the construction of small to medium ships)
Refueling Stations (For refueling starships docked in both shipyards and spaceports)
Government Centers
Science/Research Centers
Education Centers (Schools for the population to learn new skills and gain more knowledge at)
Agricultural Centers (Centers for producing consumable plant life for the populous)
Economic Centers
Cultural Centers
Automated Factories
Power Generation Facilities
Command Centers
Underground Bombardment/Survival Shelters
Planetary Defense Batteries (Facilities for defensive weapon emplacements)
Planetary Deflector Shield Generator (Facilities for defensive shield generating systems)